Spooge's Spit Up - Your Winning Slur...."Nilla"

Racist ladies and gentlemen, we present to you your new slur for 'white people': "'Nilla."
No longer will you be forced to muck by with the outdated "honky" or the bland "whitey."

'Nilla (first suggested by racial innovator
Sarcastro) won in a landslide decision over runner-up slur "Altoid," capturing more than 80% of the vote. It's an apt choice.

The term's obvious parallels to an already existing racial slur ensure that you will never be safe saying it—in fact, shouting "'Nilla" in a crowded area almost guarantees that you will offend everybody present, one way or another. So it has the best quality of any slur: it should never be said. Seriously, don't say it—or any other slurs—and we'll all get along in peace and harmony. Good job!

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