New Single Seat VW
New wheels
You can go to Shanghai for a vacation, buy two or more of these cars, one for your wife and one for yourself, and one for each of your kids, have them shipped to Canada and still spend less money than if you bought a car in Canada.
This is not a toy, not a concept car. It is a newly developed single seat car in highly aerodynamic tear-shape road-proven real car. It is ready to be launched as a single-seater for sale in Shanghai in 2010 for a mere RMB 4,000 (US$600)!

Interested? Wait till you learn that it will cruise at 100-120 Km/Hr with an unbelievable 0.99litre/100Km (258 miles/gallon) !!
Impressed? Totally, after you have read all the details below about the hi-tech and space-age material input into this care !!!
Truly the most Economic Car in the world . Must see and read to the end and please comment !!!!

The Most Economic Car in the World will be on sale next year
Better than Electric Car - 258 miles/gallon: IPO 2010 in Shanghai
This is a single seated car
From conception to production: 3 years and the company is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.
Will be selling for 4000 yuan, equivalent to US$600..
Gas tank capacity = 1.7 gallons
Speed = 62 - 74.6 Miles/hour
Fuel efficiency = 258 miles/gallon
Travel distance with a full tank = 404 miles

You can go to Shanghai for a vacation, buy two or more of these cars, one for your wife and one for yourself, and one for each of your kids, have them shipped to Canada and still spend less money than if you bought a car in Canada.
This is not a toy, not a concept car. It is a newly developed single seat car in highly aerodynamic tear-shape road-proven real car. It is ready to be launched as a single-seater for sale in Shanghai in 2010 for a mere RMB 4,000 (US$600)!

Interested? Wait till you learn that it will cruise at 100-120 Km/Hr with an unbelievable 0.99litre/100Km (258 miles/gallon) !!
Impressed? Totally, after you have read all the details below about the hi-tech and space-age material input into this care !!!
Truly the most Economic Car in the world . Must see and read to the end and please comment !!!!

The Most Economic Car in the World will be on sale next year
Better than Electric Car - 258 miles/gallon: IPO 2010 in Shanghai
This is a single seated car
From conception to production: 3 years and the company is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.
Will be selling for 4000 yuan, equivalent to US$600..
Gas tank capacity = 1.7 gallons
Speed = 62 - 74.6 Miles/hour
Fuel efficiency = 258 miles/gallon
Travel distance with a full tank = 404 miles

If this is going to be available on a world wide basis, it would certainly be reducing the cost of travel but a single seater? Why not expand a little as the need to take a family member is severely curtailed.
I think that this a great idea. Most of my driving is solo to the grocery store, post office, dentist or the doctor. I ride a motorcycle when it's not raining and the weather is warm. I will most certainly buy one when available in the US.
Sales would probably increase if the car had a NAME!!!
You've got to be kidding! 265 MPG, I've got a bridge for sale.
If the boys up in DC ever got out of bed with the Oil Industry we might have a chance at seeing this in the States. But heaven forbid that the average American has an alternative to spending almost 40% of their paycheck on fuel costs.
If the big 3 go BK, then car companies that produce these babies will emerge from the dust. Production facilities in Canada/US would covert to producing electric vehicles. I say bankrupt the oil majors too. Build the electric grid infrastructure to support electric vehicles.
I doubt we will see this in the US. First the environmental groups made sure that diesel vehicle can not be sold here, and the other whiney brats called saftey groups have made sure that most other vehicle dont pass our standards. Once we add air bags, steal frame, and crumple zones this $600 car will cost $10,000 and then we have to get it to pass EPA! Sorry Charlie, the US will never get to see this.
I would totally buy this if it was available in the US !
Good idea if everyone had one. But with all the heavier and bigger vehicles on the road...not too safe.
Get this car to the US!!! People we've got to hound our representatives to get this thing here. GO VW!!
C'mon, I'd love a car like this, but let's get real, the car will never pass the USA's reg.'s for safety. We've got impact reg.'s, bumper reg.'s, all that crap! I'd love to see it, but hey, we got Obama and Al Gore invented the internet!
Might be a good replacement for the golf car with it's many batteries, but I wouldn't drive it in traffic.
$600 is an outstanding price, but after the U.S. Govt sticks their incoming tarrif on it, what will the U.S. price be then??
Such a deal! I could put a trailer hitch on it to pull my Sears riding mower and mow my FogFarm meadow in the rain without getting wet. I'll bet it's quieter than my mower too, so I could bring my boombox and keep it free of grass clippings and rain!
It is the unit I want. How soon can I order one and where do I go to place a down payment for one?
Concept is interesting but I question the $600.00 price when any decent motor skooter is so much more.
Meet George Jetson....His boy Elroy....Jane his wife......
1. It's a two-seater, not a one-seater:
(or, at least, the version they showed off in 2008 was)
2. It should meet US safety standards. For all the moaning listed here, please note that (a) it's a European company (VW), (b) it was traveling on the roads in Germany (street signs), and (c) the European safety standards are more stringent than ours. So - all that moaning about US safety standards are to naught.
3. What they remove are the *truly* gas-guzzling parts (at least, if you're European and, thus, live in a mild climate) - things like A/C. Air bags/safety equipment don't add nearly as much to the weight.
Oh - and note that "THE US MEDIA" had the story out in 2008.
I think it needs 2 seats, 1 behind the present one, I mean where's the fun in driving all allone.
hope like heck you don't meet a semi
head on
So what? If I meet a semi head on in my Accord I'm just as toasted.
A sure bet: if/whenever available in the U.S., they will not be $6 hundred. $6 thousand maybe....
This is nothing great. This car costs INR 30,000. Tata's Nano is available for INR 100,000 and it is a 4 seater. So why not spend 3 times the money to get a family car!!
And if all you want is a vehicle for solo, then bikes were a better deal. Why car?
I ride a scooter year round except in really bad weather. I would gladly pay 2 or 3 thousand for a 1 or 2 seat car here in the USA. Everything I have read indicates it will pass US DOT standards for road/highway. You COULD pay three times as much (Nano) for twice the seating and 1/3 the fuel economy, but why bother? And the lack of AC is not a problem, never had a car with AC.
19 June 2009 8:47 AM
hope like heck you don't meet a semi head on
If you met a semi head-on, you'd probably go right under it (while crapping your pants)
This version is the two seater.
Beats a cycle for safety any day.
I think $600 is a mistype. With a carbon fibre shell and a magnesium frame, that is going to cost some serious dollars. Maybe $60,000?
This story, for example, estimates the price at 20,000-30,000 Euro.
Firstly, the ‘Buy one for your kids for $600’ Internet/ spam mail is a hoax written by the same idiot that writes all those stories in font 72.
The retail price is unknown but will likely be more than 20k. In response to some posts here. The car does have a name - it’s currently referred to as VW L1. It has a driver airbag and safety was apparently an uncompromising priority in the design process, as one would expect from a German manufacturer, although the crash statistics are currently unavailable. Lastly, it seats two, bobsled style, not one.
Who cares about the price. If VW can get 286 MPG why can't we get it. Out engineers are as good as any one elses.
The writer of has written a superior article. I got your point and there is nothing to argue about. It is like the following universal truth that you can not disagree with: The great pleasures in life are doing what people say cannot be done. I will be back.
The UK has had the Smart Car for over better than 12 years. They pay around $8 per gallon, so THEIR Smart cars get over 80mpg. OURS get only 38mpg. I guess once we are forced to pay $8 per gallon, our government will allow us the marvelous new HIGH MILEAGE VEHICLE.
ALL politicians are ripping us off, regardless of party.
Still driving my 40mpg 42 year old British car on the weekends.
It probably won't meet the head light requirements screw the environment ....and IF the do import the car they'll want $26,000 for it to protect the US Auto Industry.
Wouldn't fancy my chances in that little car if anything else crashed into it. Not much in the way of space between walls and driver.
A car that only carries one person is a waste of fuel even if it runs on less. A car that only carries one person should be criticized. Who goes places alone anyway. You could only use the car sometimes.
I would LOVE to have one of these.I do all of my driving alone since I live alone. I live 12 miles from the nearest anything. Is there any kind of trunk space for groceries etc?
I want one!!!!!!!!!!! Can it be legally driven in the US? If so How much to have it imported.. Hello Detroit or anyone for that them here- lets get with it. JOBS!!!
I want one !!!!
I want one, can this vechicle used on US highway? Do we need special permit for this? can am\nyone tell me?
I want one, can this vechicle used on US highway? Do we need special permit for this? can am\nyone tell me?
I would love this car!! I would keep my beetle for general travel but this car for commuting to work!! Hell, yeah! I live 40 miles from work and so can't bike and a scooter is far too dangerous on wet days. Plus, I don't think you people realize that a scooter or bike only gets about 70 mpg or less.
And the size? If you are meeting a semi head on, you might want to reconsider your driving style. That and unless you are in another semi, it doesn't matter what vehicle you are in, the gene pool will lose another bad driver. You should always be aware of how small you are and drive as though no one can see you as it is.
It would be cool if this were an electric vehicle with the same amount of distance capabilities, but current tech may not allow it. The most frustrating thing about the current elec vehicles sold here is the crappy distance limits. 40 miles? really? Pointless! At least the Tesla S, when it comes out, is expected to have a limit of 300 miles. And a price tag of 50K. Nice looking car though.
If I had the money, I would love to design a vehicle that used multiple methods of energy production. Who uses the roof and/or hood? Why not install solar panels? Thought of this years ago and just found out some ambulances now have them. How cool is that? And wind turbines, little mini ones. Going at speed they could spin up a fantastic amount of energy.
The one world govt. wants to get rid of the middle class like in every other 3rd world country. Right now gas is at 3 dollars a gallon in very hard times , they will not allow economic independence and this car is just that. remember the 3000 dollar 60hp car from India. They killed that one too. So this will have to be shut down as well.
This is crap. The car is real, the price is not.Website, quote the price at 20,000 to 30,000 euros, about $30,000 to $45,000 usd.
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