Did You Know....? - What a Coincidence

A remarkable series of coincidences link the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Lincoln was elected in 1860, Kennedy in 1960, both were assassinated on Fridays in front of their wives; their successors as President were both named Johnson; Andrew Johnson was born in 1808 and Lyndon Johnson in 1908; both assassins, John Wilkes Booth (born 1839) and Lee Harvey Oswald (born 1939), were killed before standing trial; Lincolns secretary, whose name was Kennedy, had advised him against going to the theater, and Kennedy's secretary, whose name was Lincoln, had warned him not to go to Dallas; Booth shot Lincoln in a theatre and ran to a warehouse, Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and ran to a theatre; The surnames of both Presidents have seven letters; and the names of both assassins have 15 letters

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