First Confession

A young priest just out of Seminary arrives at his assigned Parish on a Saturday afternoon. Father O´Malley tells him that everyone is busy with church business and would he please hold confession?

The young priest is more than happy to help and steps in to begin. A lady enters, kneels and says, "Bless me father, for I have sinned. It´s been quite a long time since I´ve been to confession. I have to tell you I´ve had pre-marital sex".

Fresh in his mind was the class on penance and he immediately gave 2 Our Fathers, 2 Hail Marys and told her to put $5 in the church box.

She replied, "Father, it´s been a real long time since I´ve last been to confession. I also have committed oral sex".

Again he was quick with the response and penance. "3 Our Fathers and 4 Hail Marys and put another $5 in the church box".

Without a pause, she spoke once more, "Father, it´s even been longer than you think since I´ve been to confession. I´ve even committed anal sex!" This time, he had no idea what to give and told her to wait a minute.

He stepped out of the confessional and happened to see

one of the altar boys cleaning the altar for tomorrow´s mass. The priest called the boy over and inquired, "What does Father O´Malley usually give for ANAL SEX?"

The boy replied, "Oh, he normally just buys us all a Pizza!"

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