Doctor Who's Sonic Screwdriver Could Become Real!!!

The sonic screwdriver, as wielded by Doctor Who since 1968, could become soon become a real-life tool, claim ultrasonic engineers.

Boffins at Bristol University say technology has already reached a point where a working sonic screwdriver could be produced.

By operating waves at frequencies beyond the realms of human hearing, they claim they could manipulate objects using ultrasonic force fields.

This would mean a sonic screwdriver could be used to dot things like open locks and undo screws.

So, while it might not be much good for fighting off the Daleks, researchers say it could tackle the other big enemy of mankind… furniture from Ikea.
Professor of Ultrasonic, Bruce Drinkwater said: "Doctor Who is renowned for bending the rules of science. But technology has radically moved on since the Doc first stepped out of his Tardis in the sixties.

"Whilst a fully functioning time machine may still be light years away, engineers are already experimenting with ultrasonic waves to move and manipulate small objects.

"The sonic screwdriver may still be sometime in the making but ultrasonic technology is already making its mark in the medical and manufacturing arenas with some exciting results."

Bristol University  
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