Pirate City Rollers – Roller Derby Bash for Christchurch

Tickets:@ Under the Radar

Pirate City Rollers is back for the 2011 season and is bringing you a cracker of a season opener, all in the name of a good cause.

Every year the Pirates put on The Graduation Bash, a special exhibition bout that shows off the talent of its fiercest new skaters, as well as the hardened prowess of their veterans.

This year, the Pirates have decided to up the ante at the annual curtain raiser by giving proceeds from the bout to the Red Cross Christchurch Earthquake Appeal.

So get in quick and buy your tickets online from Under the Radar – they’re only $12 online and will be $15 at the door… if there are any left!

If you’re in for a lesson from the school of hard blocks, head down to the YMCA Pitt Street on April 16 for fast-paced action, brutal hits and high tension you’ve come to expect from Pirate City Rollers, and do so for a good cause!

Don your best black and red attire to support the occasion and pack a handful of coins to help out our friends in Christchurch.

Bring it on!

Tickets:@ Under the Radar

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