Pubs in the UK

Some interesting and amusing facts about games in pubs in the UK:
   * A Dorset Vicar condemned the racing of tortoises on pub billiard tables in 1938
   * Glasgow's licensing bench banned all pub games from the city's 1,100 bars in 1939 because ' games encourage drinking.' A pub in Durham had to cancel a mouse race because it was found that 15 0f the 18 mice were pregnant and the other 3 were too tired to run at all
   * A pub in Durham had to cancel a mouse race because it was found that 15 0f the 18 mice were pregnant and the other 3 were too tired to run at all
   * In the 1930's it was found that dominoes was the most popular pub game in Bolton
   * In the 14th Century British monarchs forbade pub games because they wanted their subjects to practise archery
   * Sir John Suckling was a 17th Century crook who used marked cards to amass his fortune of some £4million [in today's money: USD$ over 7million] He invented the game of Cribbage
   * Early versions of shove ha' penny were played in taverns and inns some 500 years ago
   * Darts is played regularly by 6 million people in the UK, many of them in pubs
   * The game of bar billiards was invented in Belgium and arrived in the UK in the 1930's
   * When Paul Newman starred as The Hustler, in the 1961 film, there were no pool tables in Britain's pubs. By the time he made the sequel, The Color of Money, in 1986, there were an estimated 45,000 tables in pubs and clubs

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