Things You Will Never Hear Darth Vader Say

- If this is a consular ship, could you please tell the ambassador to come out of hiding so we could discuss this like civilized beings?

- Has anyone seen my inhaler?

- Impressive...most impressive. Can you do that again?

- You should not have come back. But, since you're here, let's shake hands and call it even.

- But I was going into Toshi station to pick up some power converters!

- Man, this armor chafes.

- Luke, do you ever get that not-so fresh feeling?

- Wow! Neat!

- What does that button do?

- I'm hungry. Let's get a taco.

- Oh man! I just shot Cpt. Needa in the face! Needa's dead, baby. Needa's dead.

- Here's looking at you, kid.

- Are you the keymaster?

- Well, excuuuuuuuuuse me!

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