Spooge's Spit Up - Luigi The True Story

Mario’s faithfull brother. A devoted sidekick. The second player. That green dude.

That is how Luigi had been depected in videogames througout the years. As the brother of the hero. Or is he? Is there any truth to the rumors that Lugi is the real hero and that Mario is a glory hog who has taken credit for all the thing Luigi has done througout the years. The answer is yes.

It all started after Lugi had saved the mushroom kingdom for the first time. While Luigi was off fighting a giant monkey, Mario was hiding under his bed. After hearing about Luigi’s adventueres Nintendo contacted him about is own game. Luigi was thrilled and signed away the rights to his likeness.

The game “Donkey Kong” arived and was a smash hit. However, Lugi was upset that his name was changed. “Jump Man! What kind of a name is that? It may as well be leap lad!” he was reported as saying. After a long debate Nintendo decided to restore his name to Lugi for the next game in the series, “Super Luigi Brothers.”

The Nintendo marketing department however, asked him to change from his trademark green to red because they were working on another game about an elf who dresses in green. They felt that having two green characters would be confusing. That is where the trouble started.

Mario volunteered to change from his trademark blue to red so he could be in the game. Nintendo liked the idea and pretty soon Super Mario Bros. came out. Luigi got to stay in the game, but as a crummy sidekick. There was nothing he could do. He had signed his likeness over to the big N.

Tons of games later, Mario is still the star. Luigi is the fearfull sidekick and princess peach is Mario’s girlfriend. In a rare interview with princess peach herself, we asked her is Mario has ever saved her life. This was her response:

“Save me? Save Me? No, The only thing Mario has saved is all the money he hoards away. He is kicking back making millions on all of my boyfriends hard work. Do you know how much money Luigi he makes of the game royaltys? $12.92 a month! No, Luigi is the real hero. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

Luigi did however get a chance at redemption with the game “Mario is missing.” The Luigi family (Luigi, Peach, and their son Luigi2) were anxious to see the game restore glory to their family. The game, however, turned out to be a commercial flop. People thought that the game was to unrealistic because it made Mario look to weak. Oh, the irony.

In 2001, however, Luigi got one last chance to star in a videogame, “Luigi’s Mansion.” This game turned out to be a smash hit. Luigi was on the top again. That is until…”The Thousand Year Door.”

Luigi, had started work on a new book series that told of his latest adventures. Nintendo, in an effort to keep Luigi on the bottom, put his books in the soon-to-be released “Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door” They, however, made a mockery of it! Making it sound like he is a coward that gets by with luck.

Then, In Super Paper Mario they portrayed him as a villain!

Luigi, although he is more popular than ever, is still considered lower than his evil-twin Mario. Where is the justice in that?

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