Spooge's Spit Up - You Might be a Geek If....

You have lost a friend due to a debate about Star Wars vs. Star Trek

Your idea of flirting with a girl is talking about superheroes

You join a game clan

You blog about joining a game clan

you blog about how geeky it is that you are bloging about joining a game clan

You say “Locker Buddy”

You celebrated talk like a pirate day

You plan on celebrating pretend to be a time traveler day (December the 4th! Don’t forget it!)

You find yourself reading this post

You find yourself writing this post

You find yourself quoting Star Wars/Trek/Gate/Ect…

You write fan fiction

The last (or only) girl to flirt with you only liked you for your homework

You make stick men with Internet Explorer Icons (Ask Colt)

You laugh at the following joke: How do you get more memory in a computer? You RAM it in!

You constantly create new blogs and come up with silly online names like DragonWing

Your in chess team

You like Math…

…and you are proud of it!

You have a blog

You know HTML

You have already spotted a grammer error in this post…

…and are planning on commenting about it…

…and you don’t see how that makes you a geek

You are proud to be a geek

You are tempted everyday to bring your cape and lightsaber to school

You have attempted to use the force

You know kligon

You know how to spell klingon (TELL ME HOW CHRIS!)

You have called somebody a nerf herder

You got that last joke

White and Nerdy is your theme song

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