Short and Cringeworthy

Why did Doctor Who surf the net?
He was looking for the Cyberman.

Why did the Dalek apply
for a job in pest control?
He liked the job description - "Exterminate! Exterminate!"

Why is Doctor Who a regular at the dentist?

He doesn't want to lose his K9.

What did Bill Gates say to the Cyberman?

"Upgrade or you will be deleted!"

Why did the Titanic sink?

Because the Doctor didn't try his TARDIS to save it!

What does Doctor Who have with his pizza?

Dalek bread

How does a Dalek keep its skin soft?


Knock Knock

Who's There?
Doctor Who?


Jack:Is that a plunger or are you just pleased to see me?

A bunch of Daleks restoring an old mansion: RE-NO-VATE!

A bunch of Daleks running a hotel. They all chant: ACOMMODATE!

Dr Who was sitting around a table with 12 other timelords

when somebody farted. The question is who farted?
and the answer is Who farted....

Q. Wy do daleks eat apples?

A. because an apple a day keeps the doctor away

How many Doctor Who fans does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They all just sit around and wait for it to come back on again

Q: What does a Sycorax call it's pet?

A: Sycorex!

Amy walks into the TARDIS. She has Celery up her

nose, a carrot in her left ear and a banana in her right ear. The Doctor say's "you're not eating properly".

How many Doctor Who fans does it take to change a lightbulb?

11- one to change the bulb and 10 others to complain that it's not as good as the last one!

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