Celebrate the Day Humans Met Vulcans with 12 Great Spock Moments
Yesterday was April 5, four days too late for April Fools' and 13 days before U.S. taxes are due. But April 5 is just as important as those two dates, because it's the anniversary of First Contact, the day that Vulcans came to planet Earth in 2063 and gave us their high-five. And in honor of the occasion, we're highlighting our favorite Vulcan, Mr. Spock.
T'Pol, T'Pau and Sarek are terrific, sure. But we have video evidence that proves why Spock is the best reason for First Contact. (And one of the best reasons for Star Trek in general.)
He Can Survive Without a Brain
No lie: "Spock's Brain" is a terrible episode. But this entertaining edit, from ZombieDawg, takes whatever is bad about the season-three stinker and makes it funny, proving that Spock can be awesome even without his brain.
He's Easily Fascinated
And yes, we're easily amused.
He's Funny
Like all Vulcans who've embraced logic, Spock is an unemotional guy. So when he's funny, he's more amusing than a barrelful of Klingons stuck in a barrelful of Tribbles.
He Can get Emotional
Okay, he's unemotional most of the time. So when he does show feelings, they seem to resonate. When Spock gets sad, we weep; when he gets angry, we cower; and when he laughs, it creeps us the hell out.
He Beats his Captain to Death Under the Influence of Lust
Sure, it wasn't a real death, and he was under the influence of some powerful hormones. But how many people, Vulcan or otherwise, can say that they've beaten their captain to death ... and got away with it?
He Looks Groovy in a Beard
Alternate Universe Spock is evil: He smacks Uhura around, he inflicts agony on subordinates who displease him, and he threatens to torture Dr. McCoy. It doesn't matter. We can watch that beard all day long.
He Plays a Groovy Harp
Spock is the Enterprise's science officer and second-in-command, and he embraces the cerebral. (He even enjoys being compared to a computer.) He's laughed and he's cried, but nothing proves that he has an emotional side as when he plays his Vulcan harp.
He has an Eye for the Ladies
At least he notices when they're missing.
He's Oblivious to Homoerotic Tension
In this episode, shirtless Captain Kirk and shirtless Spock are thrown in prison together when Spock has to climb on top of Kirk's back. Kirk is uncomfortable with the situation. Spock just goes about his Vulcan business.
This scene must have sparked almost as much slashfic as "Amok Time."
Okay, Maybe Not
In "The Enemy Within," the captain gets split off into Good Kirk and Evil Kirk. Evil Kirk comes on to Yeoman Janice Rand. Do we sense some cattiness when Spock talks about the imposter? YouTuber xKelociraptor spells it out for us in the above video.
He Conducts Himself with Dignity
Star Trek V is also not known for its fine plot and dialogue. But Spock manages to snag the best line in the movie, above, delivered when Kirk goes in for a hug.
He Dies with Dignity
And he shattered our hearts in Star Trek II with one of film's most poignant death scenes.
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